"Now I am in Pre-Algebra and I still haven't changed lead{remember, this is the period after Health, on the same day as my last entry}. I even took a math test and haven't finished this piece out. It's 9:50 so I have 33 minutes before class ends. Almost everybody is still working on the test. My math teacher let me borrow her eraser (one of those big pink ones) until the end of class. It officially died yesterday but I forgot to put on one of those little eraser caps. Somebody else just finished the test, too. And another. Who else would like to join the club[?] You know, the way I figure, this is like posting without being right in front of my computer. I will see if I can make this thingy longer {it is} than the other one. I still have 29 minutes of waiting but it's better than the full 50 minutes of a period. History is next. Maybe I should work on my Current Event for History. It is about that plane that crashed into a gas station in Brazil. I am almost done but I have until August 9th. I ought to have it finished by the 1st {this was written on July 26th} considering how easy it seems. I also have a phenomenological journal due for Science on the 1st and I havent even started. I love Math but Science doesn't interest me. It's unusual [that a person likes math but not science]. I really am not excited about conditioning. I probably will do worse than Tuesday because I'm sore. We had a project assigned for History yesterday (I think) {I got a 100} and we will have a partnerproject {it ended up not being a partner project} today in Literature Alive. I still haven't changed lead. Wow! I can hear the History teacher teaching (what else would she be doing?) but she is teaching loudly. In my History class I have a friend everyone calls Dobby from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.The teacher started it and then I did it and now everybody does it. He hates it! {not anymore though{thankfully}}. But he doesn't mind too much. But Dobby won't give me the zipper for my binder (because it broke){he gave it back eventually but now I've lost it} and it is quite evil of him. It is now 10:04. 19 minutes left of boredom. My arm is tired of writing but still I continue. Anyway the rest of my body will be pushed too far later today so why not do my arms' part now?! The History teacher knows how to count! WOW! She counted in a loud voice, "1...2...3!" She doesn't sound happy. Apparently the[y] aren't doing their work so she's mad. 10:07! 16 minutes till History! It has already been 17 minutes since I started writing. I should be about halfway through writing now. It is almost as long as the one in Health. In fact, it might be longer! I don't know for sure though. I will count the lines. 37 1/2 for Health and...46 for Pre-Algebra! Yay for me! It's 10:10 and the teacher says we have ten minutes to finish. According to my watch we have 13 but, hey, maybe she wants to close by talking with us. It's 10:11 and almost 10:12. People are passing notes...haha...that's funny to watch. I will tell you my total amount of lines for this when I'm done with it. I STILL haven't changed lead and I am about to run off onto another sheet of paper. Hey! I have a great idea! I write 5-6 page long short stories and I should post them! Yeah! That would be great. I am almost done with this page! I am on the last line. It is now 10:15 so [in] 5 minutes we stop and [in] 8 minutes class will end. I'm on a new page now. I guess I will stop. Bye! Oh! I need to count the lines... I have 61 lines! WOW!"
So that wa my Pre-Algebra one. This next one is on the next day in Latin:
"I just finished my Latin Quiz on Lectio 1 (Lesson 1) and I believe I did very well. I still haven't finished that piece of lead from yesterday. I sure am getting my money's worth out of it! I for got to bring my homework [in other subjects] to class and it's 1:01 and we have until 1:34 till class ends but there is no more work involved in class. I brought donuts for Literature Alive. My mom bought donuts and told me to bring them to school. I chose Literature Alive. I don't know why. The people in that class are very grateful! I am going to ask the teacher if I can get my Math homework. She said yes...bye!"
Here is one from after I finish this Math homework.
"I'm back again. I'm still in Latin but now I have finished my Math homework. It is 1:18 so we have 16 minutes until 7th period. I can still taste the Chick-fil-a sandwich and Dr.Pepper I had for lunch. The dance is tonight and one girl has asked me so far today. But it was for a bet to see who could get the fastest date to the dance. I said no, of course. Some of you may know who I am talking about. 1:21 now. Only 13 minutes. I wonder when we'll find out our grades! Last time I found them out during class. I hope we do this time! I got a 105 (of 105) last week and I'm hoping for a 100 (out of 100) today. Now I am on the mutant side of this piece of paper. 1:24! 10 minutes! I am ready to go When I get home from school, I will watch TV, do any homework (I have one thing left after finishing Math and we never have any in Literature Alive), then I will post this (maybe), take an extra-long shower, get dressed, have dinner, and go to the dance. 1:26, 8 minutes. I am pretty bored of writing but I will continue. It looks like she's about to tell us our scores! I think she might! No, not yet. I got ink on the side of my face during Health. I was spinning my pen on my pencil and the pen squirted ink on my face. It dried before I could do anything about it. 1:30, 4 minutes left in Latin! Just about an hour left in school! I am so ready to go home. Yesterday, in Literature Alive, I spilled powerade all over me! Haha...it was funny...and wet. 2 minutes...1 and a half...I guess I will go now...1 minute...Bye!"
That is the end of all the skool thingys i have written. now that blogger has updated so that i can post videos, i have a special video for everyone featuring my terrible haircut...ugh...here it is: