Sunday, October 14, 2007

Moving On

Well, as the title says...I am moving on. To new frontiers I go. I seek a land called "Facebook." There is where you'll find me. But I leave Blogger and will terminate all four of my bloggers Friday at 10:45 PM EDT. So, so long to Blogger.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Another Poll and Link Error

So I have added a poll to CobraMovies. You really have to see it because it is about which of my Bloggers you like best. This means all four of the CCB bloggers have polls all of which also close at Midnight on the 12th. Also, since the creation of CobraNeedsHelp, I have had a link error on my sidebar. If you look at the last item on the sidebar, it includes links to the Blogger Homepage, CobraMovies, CobraShortStories, and CobraNeedsHelp. The error is that I put "" and as you may notice, it says, "," it is supposed to be "" Now there have been many other links that are correct that I have added all throughout this and other Bloggers in the CCB. Now I have addressed that, this is probably my last post for today. There are various reasons: A) I have to mow the lawn and do yardwork soon, B) I want to make sure I don't do too many posts before the 26th, and C) you get tired of me blabbering on about pointless orders of business. Changing the subject, my basketball team (not my school basketball team, we haven't started that) is 0-3. I guess that's what we deserve considering we went 8-0 last season! We don't really care though...well at least some of us don't care. I care, Mr. S, I'm sure you care, Tyler probably cares, Josh probably cares, Nathaniel better care (haha, for those of you who don't know, he's the coach). I'm done talking...


P.S. 10 more posts

New Poll

There is a new poll on the sidebar. It is the fourth item down. It is all about the best movie currently in theaters. As you know, if you choose Other, you must specify in a comment on this post. Also, this is my 89th post so after this I have 11 left which means I will be posting a lot less frequently so that I get my 100th on the 26th. That's okay though because I go back to school on Monday and that means I will have a lot less free time to post. Bye.

Final Poll Results

Okay, here are the final poll results: First place was...The Beach (with four votes, 57%), Second place was...The Mountains (with two votes, 28%), and Third place was...New York City (with one vote, 14%). The two options with zero votes were Hollywood and Other. Let's get the same amount of votes next week! Okay, now that that's out of the way, let's talk about CobraNeedsHelp. I tried to upload a slideshow last night but I was having problems and when I solved them, it was taking too long. Lastly, I will probably have another new poll very soon. Don't forget, the polls on CobraShortStories and CobraNeedsHelp are both still open until Friday.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Just as I suspected

Nope, there aren't any votes or comments on CobraNeedsHelp. That's what I thought would happen. Now all of my not so loyal voters/commentors shall suffer. You won't see it coming, but I will get you! Mwahahahahahaha! I was just outside raking (SP) up pine straw from 11:45 til now. I still have much more to do but I will leave that for tomorrow when I am mowing our lawn. I did take a 30 minute lunch break from 1:45 til 2:15. I had a blueberry bagel with plain cream cheese and Dr.Pepper. It was delicious. It's sprinkling outside now but that's not why I stopped. I just wanted to stop. I have a basketball game tonight at 6. We will probably win. I have to go take a shower!

Super Smash Bros. Melee Blog

I guess the message hasn't really gotten out. Yes, I made the new blogger. Please go to it! Vote in the poll or comment. I want it to be as popular as this blog. I have to go rake leaves in my front yard. I will be back and there better be one comment or one vote!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


I just updated CobraNeedsHelp which is my new CCB Blogger for Super Smash Bros. In my latest post, I said you don't only have to give me help with the game, I can answer your questions, to see the actual post, click here. For the Homepage of the site, click here. Enough about my new blogger, let's talk about this blogger, DSManiac2. This is my 85th post and I still have 22 days until the anniversary of DSManiac2, and the CCB. Exciting, isn't it? Yeah, I know you couldn't care less but still. I have a topic! Polls. I have a poll open on this Blogger that is about the best place to take a vacation. It closes at midnight tomorrow. We already have 7 votes but there is no such thing as too many votes. I also have a poll on CobraShortStories. It is about the best short story that I've written that I've posted. There is only one vote (me) and the poll closes at midnight on the 12th. The last poll I have right now is on CobraNeedsHelp. It is about the best character in Super Smash Bros. Melee. There is only one vote (me, again) and it closes at midnight on the 12th. For those of you who don't know, there are four Bloggers still being actively used by, none other than, myself. They are the four Bloggers in the CCB. They are: DSManiac2 (this Blogger), CobraMovies, CobraShortStories, and CobraNeedsHelp. Changing the subject, I go back to school on Monday, unfortunately. I have PE replacing Health but that is my only schedule change. I am savoring these last two days of track-out. Well, I have to go!

The Link!

Click here for the link to my Blogger for Super Smash Bros. Melee Help. You can also find the link on the Footer at CobraMovies.


Error in last Post

I have not yet created the Super Smash Bros. Melee site but I wanted to explain the error in the post Pics From Myrtle Beach and More. For some reason, Blogger didn't like the link to the third picture and it erased some of my text. It is supposed to say as follows:

AUGH! Shoot, no this is not what it is supposed to say, I made another error and I don't want to type all of that again so I will just do it some other time when I feel like typing that huge amount of text. Sorry for all the problems.

Pics From Myrtle Beach and More

Okay, well most of my pictures from Myrtle Beach are crazy pics with little importance but still they're fun. My mom and my sister said I had to ask their permission before I post any pictures with them in the picture. I have some strange pictures of them but I will honor their request. Changing the subject, I am considering making a Blogger (to add to the Cobra Collection of Bloggers aka the CCB) about my progress and help needed on Super Smash Bros. Melee. I have received many cheats online for this game but I still need help. Tell all your friends to go to the site once I make it and also, if you feel like it, show this site to all your friends and even any of my sites. I love it when more and more people learn about my Bloggers. This first picture (on the right>>) is one my sister took of me pulling together the strings on my hoodie to look like a ninja. Great, huh? So my whole family was on the porch on the first night (a very windy night, I might add) and taking crazy pictures and laughing our heads off (no, we weren't drunk or anything like that--we were just tired). It was really fun. My dad thought we had gone totally crazy and there was no getting us back! We were acting pretty "special" now that I think about it. But we all have our special moments, right? I thought not...I took pics of each room but I probably won't upload thise for a while because there are so many. I may make them into a video-slideshow. Okay, the next picture (<< href="">ou got there-i.e.: if you wanted to go to floor 2, when you got to floor two, it would say, "Floor two." The fun part about that was whenever you got to floor three, it would say "Floor THREEEEEEEE." Now this was a woman's voice but it always said floor three very deeply and elongated. I always laughed whenever we went to floor three. The last picture (on the right>>) is me looking down at the camera, acting very strangely. On the last morning, before we left our room, my sister and I both took strange pictures with our cameras. This is one of the many strange pictures. Most of the others include my sister and I don't want to bother her right now by asking her if I can use pics with her in them (her back is still hurting from when she fell and I don't want to make her have to move. Well I will probably make the Super Smash Bros. Melee site within the next couple of minutes. Once I do, I will post a very short post including the link to that Blogger. That's all I have to say for now.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Back From my Trip

As the title clearly states, I am back from my trip to Myrtle Beach. My dad heard something about this Condo renting thing so because he wanted to talk to two different agents, we left Myrtle Beach at 3:00, rather than 11:30, around when we planned to leave. We got home around 7. I am going to eat dinner soon and probably will not upload pictures until tomorrow. I must go, farewell.
