"Today! Today today today today today today's your birthday. Hooray! Hooray hooray hooray hooray hooray today's your birthday. Here's a peach and here's a plum. And here's a hunk of bubble gum. Today! Today today today today today today's your birthday! HEY!"
"Happy Birthday, ungh. Happy Birthday, ungh. Gloom, misery, despair; people dying everywhere; on your birthday, ungh. Happy Birthday, ungh."
Those are some birthday songs just for me on my special birthda
y...it is so great to be honored by everyone on earth...I got some great stuff including an easy button from staples, a new zwipes pen, two Hawk Nelson CDs, cha-chinga for my bling-blinga (inside joke), and more all from the people who love me so...and where is the present YOU have for me? HUH? i am expecting one! The picture to the right is me and my sis while we were at my cousins' house....we did a lot of tubing. FUN FUN! i am so happy right now....how can i not be because it is my birthday? it is so great! we are going to Golden Corral for lunch with my grandparents and the guy (Mr. S) who comments a lot (keep it up) And you can comment too but first it must be moderated by yours truly. And then i will go see potc 3. next week i will see spiderman 3 again but this time with my sister now that she has her liscence even though i do think my mom will come because she hasnt seen it either. we have had to surgeries recently (which i will not mention) my dad had one on monday (i think) and my sisters will be next monday. next thursday i will have an open house for my new skool which actually doesnt sound so bad. I signed up for som
e classes i really cant wait for, i will try out for the bball team, and do all that stuff. I had to cut an inch and a half off my hair for the new skool (which starts on July 16th--its year-round) and i just finished looking at my sisters pictures from camp and my cousins. So yeah...the picture on the left is one from my cousins where i was bored and took a picture of myself while the camera was upside-down...haha that reminds me of what my aunt did...she couldnt figure out my complex video camera while taking pictures of me, my sis, and two of my cousins. She didnt know how to open it either. But she got some great pictures of all of us just bfore we left for home (which now i am here! YAY!) and so she got a c
ouple of really good pictures of the four of us which i really like. Hmm...i guess i will put up one of them. Ok...here is my favorite one (right). I am actually taller than everyone in the pic except for my sister (middle left) but you cant tell since we are all sitting down. but i do like it. we got two sitting down and one standing up. o...i am going to have a key lime pie for my party today. my cousinshave an SAT vocabulary cd that has been in my head since we first saw them. the most annoying is "Harbinger" which the chorus goes like so: "you're a harbinger of good things to come/a sign that its all changing for me/ it's happiness, euphoria, like something out of a fantasy/im so morose when you
aren't around/im sad and glum when i'm all alone. yeah and with the tune it can be very catchy. you may not realize it but thats ok. hmm...i guess i will give you one more pic...so here. we are all at the zoo! it was a lot of fun but i must go shower and get ready for my day even though it is already 11:35. but hey, im the birthday boy so i can do whatever i want. but i will finish the picture out. o! at the zoo ther was this giraffe that was right in my face. i got a video but you know that they wont let you upload them yet. i will when i can. i will also do a video of a really tame squirrel. it is really kool. i guess i should go take my shower but i still have a little bit left. my friend (Mr.S) will be here soon. yay i am really close now and i am almost finished with this post. i hope my few readers enjoyed this extended post but i must go now and get ready.
paulie i love your website it is so cool i love the pics. of you!!!
paulie you are awesome i loved it e-mail me!!
p.s thoes are really good pictures of you
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