Now, you may be thinking, I thought he wasn't going to Myrtle Beach until Sunday and won't get back until Wednesday! Well, you're right. I have a few good pics from my trip when I went in March-April of 2006. I can't remember if I posted any back when I was the original "DSManiac" and not "DSManiac2." Even so, I will post some good ones. Also, the hotel we stayed at then also had a putt-putt course and we had full-day
passes so me and my dad tried to get a hole-in-one on each hole. There was nobody else there so we could mess around and take all the time we wanted on each hole. We got a hole-in-one on each hole but one (There was a total of eighteen holes, like a normal course). So at the end of the post, there is a video of one hole-in-one. First off, remember that this was a year and a half ago so I do look and act younger--just a disclaimer; and, second, I took many videos of hole-in-ones but this one is the best. I am the green ball, my dad is the orange. This first picture (on the right) is a picture my sister took of me outside our hotel room the morning we left. I had spent the whole night throwing up all over our bathtub and our bathroom floor. At the time of this picture, I was feeling miserable. But I still was willing to have a picture taken. You can't tell, but I am putting money in my wallet. My mom was paying me back for something. The date on the bottome right corner is in correct. I've always had
problems with the date and time on my camera. My guess is it is either April 1st or 2nd. We were all exhausted from staying up really late the previous night (we had gone to this Carolina Opry thing and I had been throwing up for most of the night) and we were done with an exhausting vacation so. The next pic is my family peering down from a hallway that leads to stairs, that lead to the ground, where I am standing. So, NC State is currently losing to Louisville 16-3 in the 3rd quarter. And Clemson is losing to Georgia Tech 7-3 in the 3rd quarter. So both my teams are losing right now and the only one with a true cahnce of winning is Clemson. I really hope they continue their winning streak. Only one game should they not have won--the NC State-Clemson game. NC State is obviously better. Okay well here is that video I've been talking about during this post of a hole-in-one from a year and a half ago. It's me but shorter in heighth and hair length.
hey cobra...
it is moe agian...
i just got back from the same beach the day before u
hilo nice video. good job. have fun a la beach. BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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