Sunday, September 16, 2007

Various Info

Okay, I have some random info that may or may not interest you. First off, my trip to Myrtle Beach will be from September 30th to October 3rd. Also, on Friday night I have my first basketball game of the season. Third, I will go to the NC State vs. Clemson football game that's at noon on Saturday. I can't wait. I personally like State but my dad went to Clemson. I think Clemson will win because: they won the last meeting, they're 3-0 whereas State is 1-2, and Clemson is an overall better team. I am sorry all State fans but it's true and you know it. Also, I am going to wear a State shirt and a Clemson sweatshirt. Also I will wear a Clemson hat and a State hat. Whoever is winning is the one I will wear. Lastly, if you saw CobraShortStories, you may have thought I fixed my camera. Technically, I didn't but it works slightly. I have about a five-minute window of time before the camera shuts off every time I turn it on. But it's better than nothing. That's all for now.

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